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Business Management

Template versus KPI (dynamic)

There is a secret to running a business successfully, and I’m going to tell you what that secret is.

But first, let’s slay some demons.

Being successful in business takes money.  No matter what, you’re going to spend money on things you wish you didn’t have to.  A general rule of thumb regarding the first demon is that you must be frugal.  Save money wherever you can.

Work hard. You’re in a business that can be incredibly rewarding. You must get an early start, work to completion, and stay positive. You already know this instinctively, but it doesn’t hurt to remind you. Remember that diligence pays off. Some of the best business people I’ve met simply give it 100% every day. So do the things that are hard to do. Don’t shy away from this. Work hard and save your money.

This is probably the most important demon.  You will never sell as much as your customers will. What the heck does that mean? Let me explain.  There is an old saying, “Sales begins when the customer says no.”

It’s so much easier to take an order from a customer.  Why spend all your time selling?  Get the customer in a position where they want to buy what you’re selling, and it becomes order-taking.  That’s what you really want.  Position yourself so that your business can take orders, not sell to people.

This isn’t easy.  But you can do it with the help of TCW.

When using TCW, a business plan operates in the background. It observes your actions, your goals, and the tasks left undone, and it assists you in optimizing your business to better serve your needs.

There are good programs out there that provide excellent project and business management and can help your business immeasurably. TCW differs because we are purpose-built software designed to help you run the business of working in the world of IT.

We don’t set out to wow you with charts and graphs; this software works for you in your business. It helps you run your business the way you want to run it, and that is a guarantee.

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